
From InterOncologyFoundation, we give our full support to the important work carried out by the Foundations in the help and ongoing fight against cancer and other pathologies.

We work closely with projects, activities and promotions to publicize the important work of these foundations in the Latin American region.

Our actions:
  • Education and prevention campaigns
  • Events to raise funds
  • Donations
  • Social and sports activities
  • Meetings of patients

We implement all our communication channels with the aim of achieving the greatest diffusion and impact in the entire Latin American society.

Our step and collaboration in the Resurgence Cancer Survivors Association,
on September 4, 2018 in Alajuela, Costa Rica.

Where on behalf of the patients, their families and the institution, we showed gratitude to our work for the collaboration and solidarity of InterOncology in conducting the "Workshop on Radiotherapy Advice" given by Dr. Alejandro Vargas (President of the Costa Rican Association of Palliative Medicine and Pain Medicine), in addition to the contribution of UNIDERMA to the association and the donation made by InterOncology.

Thanks to RESURGIR, to its President, Prof. Flor de María Molina Arias, for the opportunity to strengthen bonds of friendship and solidarity.

Foundation FundaHigado America
United States of America

Our mission is to make liver transplantation possible for children in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Our objectives are:

- Train health professionals to establish liver transplantation programs of living, autonomous and sustainable donors in each country that needs this treatment in Latin America and the Caribbean.

- Generate and transmit the necessary knowledge to treat pediatric liver disease in countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.

- Work hand in hand with government authorities so that they become our allies in the implementation of the liver transplant program in their countries.

Supporting children is important, join us as we continue to bring hope!

Fundación Oncológica del Este
República Dominicana

We are a nonprofit organization that was created to meet the economic and social needs faced by people with cancer throughout the country with its headquarters in the East Region of the country.

We are also an entity that does not respond to any pre-established ideology (Politics, Religion, Race and Sex), its objective is to advise families and patients with oncological and hematological pathologies about their disease, Scientific Alternatives of treatment and Rights to achieve comprehensive care in health, improving their quality of life.
Efforts are aimed at improving the quality of life and the care of people with cancer in said Region and the Country.

Fundación Dame tu Mano

DAME TU MANO wants to reach the largest possible number of women and men (1% of cases of men in Uruguay) in order to create a firm awareness of breast cancer prevention and thus reduce the rates of this disease in our country.

Prevent, sensitize, inform and support all those people who are in any stage of the disease or have already lived, where Uruguay occupies the 1st. place in Latin America and 4th in the world in incidence for it. Host all those patients from the interior who must come to Montevideo to receive different treatments or studies.
Carry out activities in our Headquarters in support of the community.

Fundación Clarita Berenbau

The foundation was created to perpetuate in time, the example that Clarita left. Know "Live with him".

Accompany to overcome the first impact of cancer diagnosis, be physically or telephonically present when chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatment is started, provide psychological support when necessary.

Clarita not only gave her time, but also love and strength. Let each day be a hope, a chain of support because who receives, can also give.


Mommy Organization

We are a group of women united by something more than a pink ribbon. Our different experiences, expectations and dreams are like the colors, textures and shapes of the flowers. For that we've created this space to share.

Notes, news, anecdotes, information of interest, proposals, art, will be shaping this field, rich in nuances and illusions. Here we are, with open hands and the smile that always comes back.

My mom, my life.

Aldea Arthur Gough
Costa Rica

The Arthur Gough Village of Costa Rica is home to children and adolescents who, for one reason or another, do not enjoy family conditions conducive to good development.

Our mission is to promote and guarantee the rights and duties of children and adolescents, enhancing their physical, emotional, social, spiritual and intellectual development, according to the principles of the doctrine of comprehensive protection of the National Board of Children of Costa Rica.

Coranzoncitos Foundation

Our mission is to improve the survival and quality of life of children with congenital heart disease.
Congenital heart disease is one of the leading causes of neonatal death in Uruguay. About 450 children are born each year in Uruguay with severe congenital heart disease, which requires specialized care, most of which requires surgery before the first year of life. This reality can be reversed through the work and commitment of all. Supporting Fundación Corazoncitos you will be supporting the lives of the children of Uruguay.

Our vision is to significantly improve the percentage of early detection of this condition, the treatment conditions and the quality of life of children with congenital heart disease in Uruguay.

Fundación Fundamama 

It is a non-profit foundation in Barquisimeto that provides comprehensive education, counseling and assistance services to patients with breast cancer and family members, providing knowledge and information about the disease. Likewise, they encourage activities that raise funds for the development of the work program and help patients without economic resources.

Daniel Project
Costa Rica

The Daniel Project Association is a non-profit organization that works to make the adolescent and young adult population between 13 and 25 years old with cancer in Costa Rica visible. Daniel Project provides accompaniment and develops concrete actions in education and infrastructure with the aim of improving their quality of life and environment, so that they can face day to day in a more positive way.

On January 31, 2012 Project Daniel sees one of his great wishes materialized. Thanks to the collaboration of companies and individuals, we inaugurated the first two rooms for adolescents with cancer in the country, one for men and one for women.

Asociación Amese

Claudia Saa Cabal (1956 - 2009) was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2004. This brave woman left us a legacy of love, perseverance and struggle that she demonstrated during the process of her illness.

AMESE is a Colombian Association founded in February 2006, non-profit and non-governmental. It works for the promotion of breast self-care in the general population and provides support to people diagnosed with breast cancer.

In 2020, AMESE will be an organizationally consolidated Association, with national and international recognition for its programs to promote breast self-care and support for patients diagnosed to access their treatment in a timely manner.

Fundación Salud

The Health Foundation is created and begins its activities in July 2013. On October 15, 2014, the Ministry of Education and Culture approves its Statutes and registers the organization in the registry corresponding to non-profit foundations and civil associations.

The Health Foundation "Dr. Augusto Turenne "is an open and participatory environment that brings together all stakeholders linked to health, with the general objective of analyzing, studying and generating proposals that improve the quality of health services in particular and the functioning of the entire Health System in general.

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