Noticia Asociación Resurgir

The InterOncology Foundation collaborates with the Cancer Survivors Association, Resurge in San Jose, Costa Rica.

InterOncology's commitment to Latin American society took us to Alajuela (San José,
Costa Rica),on September 4, 2018.

As a fundamental part of the mission and objectives of InterOncology Latin America, the close collaboration with different non-profit associations is a hallmark.

The social commitment that unites us all in this struggle against Cancer, in any of its fronts, leads us to understand that active participation in different causes and projects, should be a maximum in our work
from day to day.

For this reason, since InterOncology We wanted to support the cause and the important work carried out by the
Step Home Resurge, in the in Alajuela, Costa Rica.

In the hands of its President, the Prof. Flor de María Molina Arias, we have enjoyed a day at your facilities
and with the estimated participation of Dr. Alejandro Vargas (President of the Costa Rican Association of Palliative and Pain Medicine), patients and family members were able to attend a workshop on Radiation Therapy Tips.

We also want to thank the presence and donation to the Resurgir Association, byUniderma Dermatocosméticos CA, on behalf of his representative, Mrs. Margarita Núñez.

The Step Home Resurge, provides emotional, spiritual, counseling and understanding support to the person diagnosed with cancer.

The idea of founding Resurgir Association was born in 2003 in San José, thanks to the initiative of five women who survived cancer.
The pioneer was the Dr. Grace Ruiz, who died of cancer in 2004. She left as a legacy the volunteers who served with love and who offered a Light of Hope to the cancer patient and their families.

It is therefore that since InterOncology we want to thank the hospitality to Step Home Resurge, its President and all its work team that make the home a consolidated, self-sufficient and motivated place to promote, promote and disseminate knowledge of the problem of cancer.

We also want to share with our readers the cordial and emotional letter that the president dedicated in recognition of our collaboration:

Estimados señores InterOncology Latin America Foundation,

En nombre de los pacientes, sus familiares y de nuestra institución, les extendemos nuestra más sincera gratitud a la Fundación InterOncology por la colaboración y solidaridad en la realización del "Taller sobre Consejos de Radioterapia" así como de su generosa contribución económica, que nos brindaron al Hogar de Paso Resurgir. 

Nos complace realmente y nos llena de alegría, el contar con personas de tan altos valores humanos y sensibilidad ante un problema que afecta a cientos de personas en nuestro país.

Esperamos Dios mediante, el continuar afianzando nuestros lazos de amistad y solidaridad, por lo que le invitamos a visitarnos cuando gusten para que conozcan aún más sobre nuestra labor. 

Que el Señor les bendiga y multiplique en abundancia.

Agradeciendo su fina atención a la presente, se despide cordialmente,

Prof. Flor de la María Molina Arias
Asociación Resurgir Alajuela
Costa Rica 

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